Small numbers of Swainson's Hawks are seen in eastern North America each year during fall migration.  To learn where they are coming from, a small number have been banded, primarily at Cape May Point, New Jersey.  However, there have been very few recoveries from which to learn about the further movements of these individuals.  To investigate such travels more thoroughly, the next Swainson's Hawk banded by the Cape May Raptor Banding Project personnel will be equipped with a backpack satellite transmitter.  Funding for the transmitter was provided by Swarovski Optik North America.  The transmitter is powered by a rechargeable battery and solar panel, and has the potential to provide data of a period of at least two to three years.  With luck, we hope to place the transmitter on an individual that survives at least that long, which would allow us to document full southbound and northbound migrations, wintering and summering territories, and determine whether these differ from year to year. 



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