Week 4:  April 18 - April 24, 2005

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One of the most common breeding birds at MBO, Red-winged Blackbirds have
nonetheless avoided the nets so far this spring.  The first one caught was this
second-year male, still showing much rusty edging on the wings and back, and
with orange rather than fully red epaulets.  (Photo by Marcel Gahbauer)


# birds (and species) banded 50 (15) 86 (19) 145 (24) 1066 (50)
# birds (and species) repeat 9 (4) 14 (4) 48 (4) 226 (18)
# birds (and species) return 5 (3) 7 (3) 17 (4) 19 (5)
# species observed 56 64 67 143
# net hours 97.0 273.5 331.5 1306.0
# birds banded / net hour 51.5 31.4 44.6 81.5

Note: table does not include nocturnal banding (owls)

Bander-in-charge:  Marcel Gahbauer
Assistants:  Shawn Craik, Jean Demers, Christina Donehower, Sarah Fraser, Marie-Anne Hudson, Isabel Julian, Barbara MacDuff, Michael Mayer, Betsy Mcfarlane, Julia Mlynarek, Crissy Ranellucci, Clemence Soulard

Notes:  Early in the week the nice weather continued.  Monday was our best day of the year so far, with 46 species observed, and a nice variety of 13 species banded.  Tuesday and Wednesday we added to the week's total, including our first Red-winged Blackbirds banded this spring.  The rest of the week was too rainy and/or windy for banding, but census revealed another three new arrivals:  Blue-winged and Green-winged Teal, as well as Savannah Sparrow.  Earlier in the week we saw our first Eastern Bluebird of the spring, but it didn't hang around long enough to show an interest in our nest boxes.

On Tuesday, the new roof was installed on the cabin.  Thanks to Isabel, Shawn, and Christina for spending several hours up there to get it in place, and getting covered head to toe in tar in the process!  Thanks also to EMCO Building Products for donating the roofing material to us.

A male Ruby-crowned Kinglet hanging out in one of our newest weighing tubes.  These,
inspired by similar ones in use at Prince Edward Point Bird Observatory in Ontario, allow
us to put the bird in for weighing from one end, and then remove a cap from the other end
to let them fly out, rather than backing out the tube.  They have been a great success,
though every once in a while we get a bird like this that seems quite content to sit inside
for a while before taking flight.  (Photo by Marcel Gahbauer)




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