Purpose: The success of the North American bird banding program depends on the participation of many independent observatories across the continent. The likelihood of birds being recovered at sites other than where they were banded increases in proportion to the number of banding stations in operation. As such, there is particular merit in establishing new observatories in regions which currently have little coverage. At present there are very few active banding stations in Quebec, and since its establishment in 2004, McGill Bird Observatory (MBO) has been the only one in the province to undertake standardized migration monitoring through banding in both spring and fall. Moreover, MBO provides both undergraduate and graduate students with a rare opportunity to receive ongoing training in banding over the course of their studies. Through working regularly at the banding station, students gain a competitive advantage for the many field positions which require experience with banding or other field ornithology skills. MBO also invites public participation, both to provide training to individuals interested in developing their banding skills, and to deliver educational programs. Short-term
goals: Because banding has occurred on the site only sporadically in the past, pilot banding programs were conducted in fall 2004 and spring 2005 to evaluate the site's potential and identify the best locations within the site to concentrate future efforts. Based on the success of these efforts, full-scale migration monitoring programs began in fall 2005. Long-term
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