On this page are links to a number of sites concerning migration monitoring efforts throughout North America and around the world.  Please e-mail us with suggestions for sites to add to this list.

Canadian Migration Monitoring Network
A coalition of approximately 20 banding research stations across Canada working together to collaboratively monitor the status of boreal forest bird populations.

Environmental studies: GPS tracking  
Information on GPS telemetry research products and results of several studies in Europe and Africa.

Fire Island Raptor Enumerators  
Reports and analyses from a Long Island raptor watch.

Global Register of Migratory Species
An international database featuring distribution maps for hundreds of species, with a particular focus on their migratory movements.

Golden Gate Raptor Observatory   
Records from a raptor migration station in San Francisco, accompanied by identification tips and photographs.

Hanging Rock Raptor Observatory  
Detailed daily reports and additional notes from a raptor migration station in West Virginia that has been active for nearly fifty years. 

Hawk Cliff Foundation    
An Ontario group dedicated to the conservation of migratory raptors, passerines, and Monarch butterflies through migration monitoring at Hawk Cliff on the north shore of Lake Erie.

Hawk Migration Association of North America   
A non-profit organization dedicated to advancing the knowledge of raptor migration.  Information is included on hawk watch locations, long-term monitoring, publications, and more.

HawkWatch International
A research, education and conservation based non-profit organization headquartered in Salt Lake City, Utah, with active migration monitoring stations throughout the western US, Texas, and Florida, and a partner of the "River of Raptors" project in Veracruz, Mexico.

Hilton Pond Center for Piedmont Natural History
A non-profit organization in South Carolina dedicated to the conservation and study of local flora and fauna, with a detailed website that includes weekly photo-based nature essays and thorough documentation of bird banding efforts at the site.

Journey North    
An extensive site tracking the migration of several species through North America, linked to educational programs in many schools in Canada and the United States.

Hummingbird Migration    
A map showing the progress of hummingbird migration through the United States and Canada.

Medraptors - Mediterranean Raptor Migration Network   
An informal network of ornithologists and birdwatchers in the Central Mediterranean, working to research and protect raptors through studies and systematic observations.

Niagara Peninsula Hawkwatch
Statistics on the annual spring migration of raptors through southern Ontario, dating back to 1975.  

Observatoire d'oiseaux de Tadoussac
An ornithological research organization on the north shore of the St. Lawrence River in eastern Quebec, studying bird migration through observational counts and banding.

Ontario Hummingbird Project
A new project launched in early 2006, aiming to identify migration routes, concentration points, and timing for Ruby-throated Hummingbirds, and to document the occurrence of other species of hummingbird visiting Ontario.

Operation Rubythroat:  The Hummingbird Project
A cross-disciplinary international initiative in which students, teachers, and others collaborate to study behavior and distribution of the Ruby-throated Hummingbird. 

Skogsøy - Extreme Seawatching
Information about an interesting and ambitious project to monitor seabird migration along the coast of Norway.

Tommy Thompson Park Bird Research Station
A site dedicated to the understanding, protection, and awareness of birds in Toronto through observational counts, banding, and education programs.


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